Anyway, I get hit with this heat and I have to stop and breathe because my doctor always tells me that I need to focus on my breathing. He’ll put his hand right on my heart and massage it, telling me it’s the most important thing I have in this world and that I should take care of it. He’s got such soft hands and I’ve been trying to convince him to join our congregation but for some reason his wife is hell bent on staying at that episcopalian church clear on the other side of town. She and I never have been very close since that one time she caught me with her ex-husband Levi back in 2007 at the state fair after my rendition of “Gimme More” by Britney Spears.
Anyway, I stopped to breathe, unzipped my shirt and let a cool breeze take over my body and the whole town is talking about me now. I don’t let it bother me. I know there’s only one person in the whole wide world fit enough to judge me and he ain’t living next door. He’s living upstairs.